Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mercedes-Benz Citaro is 'Bus of the Year 2007'

Best Bus: The Low Entry Citaro combines form with function.
Best Bus: The Low Entry Citaro combines form with function.

An international jury has declared the Mercedes-Benz Citaro LE Ü Low Entry 'Bus of the Year 2007'.

  • United Arab Emirates: Monday, October 09 - 2006 at 09:09

The Citaro LE Ü is directly descended from the sophisticated Citaro low-floor bus of which 49 articulated and 19 single deck versions were ordered earlier this year by Dubai Road and Transport Authority. Dubai will be one of the first cities to receive the luxury buses as part of its integrated transport strategy that includes the Dubai Light Rail and Dubai Road Network with the program expected to be implemented within the next two years.

The jury of bus editorial teams from 15 European countries put the Citaro LE Ü and two other buses from the line-up of other major European manufacturers through their paces for almost a week earlier this year. The buses were tested in service on actual urban and rural regular-service routes in and around Vienna.

'The Citaro LE Ü won over the jury particularly with its coherent overall concept and its designers' ability to combine function and aesthetics,'

said Kerem Tas, General Manager, DaimlerChrysler Buses, Middle East.

The jury also noted its economy-conscious design, which ensures maximum efficiency for the operator, as well as the extremely passenger-friendly design.

The successful drive concept with economical Euro 4 engines based on BlueTec diesel technology, ZF automatic transmission and hypoid drive axle was also singled out as particularly future-oriented.

Additional criteria was its outstanding ride quality, smooth running, low noise level, the innovative styling as well as the high standards of quality and safety thanks to the standard-fit Electronic Braking System (EBS), anti-lock braking system (ABS) and acceleration skid control (ASR). The excellent air conditioning systems on board came in for special praise.

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