Monday, July 31, 2006

this Day in Auto History: 31 JULY

7.31.1902 The Circuit des Ardennes staged near Bastogne, Belgium and often cited as the first true circuit race is won by Charles Jarrott in a Panhard et Levassor

7.31.1922 Wolfgang Klemperer publishes test results showing the advantages of Paul Jaray’s aerodynamic automobile bodies

7.31.1936 The last 1936 Pontiac Deluxe Eight is produced

7.31.1954 Onofre Marimon is killed at age 30 when his Maserati 250F crashes during a practice run for the German Grand Prix at the Nurburgring

7.31.1972 Ferrari announces its withdrawal from racing

Source: Automobile History Day By Day, by Douglas A. Wick

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