Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mercedes "may buy McLaren"

Rumors are again swirling about a possible buyout of the McLaren Group by DaimlerChrysler's Mercedes-Benz.

Mercedes acquired a 40 per cent stake in McLaren in 1999, and was rumoured to be considering a complete buyout this summer. Speculation subsided over the past few months, but a new round of media reports citing credible sources indicate a deal is near.

When asked if a deal was in the works, McLaren CEO Ron Dennis said he was open to the possibility. "If an opportunity presents itself and can make McLaren better, it is supported by its management and I embrace it," he told Motorsport News magazine.

Dennis hinted McLaren and Mercedes might also be working on new projects outside motorsports. "We have some really exciting programs outside our formula one team and want the company to grow," he said. The companies previously collaborated on the Mercedes SLR McLaren, and are rumoured to be working on a successor.

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