Friday, January 12, 2007

Detroit Auto Show- SchwagWatch: DCX Goes Bongos


WINDING ROAD - - DaimlerChrysler wanted to bang home the point that they’re an automaker that marches to the beat of a different drummer, and to drum home that point with media members, they went with a percussive theme for their concept introductions.

Above is the press kit for the Jeep Trailhawk and Chrysler Nassau, for which DCX hired Drum Café, an African percussion group that did what they could to roust a sizeable group of tired and jaded journalists into a call-and-response bongofest.

We’re not sure it worked, but if nothing else, it was certainly amusing to see Dieter Zetsche pitter-pattering his handlebar ‘stash off. Now that, friends, is what we call marketing.


Written By: James Morse

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